Librowski, Stanisław2023-07-262023-07-261976Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1976, T. 23, z. 4, s. 26-32. universal jubilee celebrated in 1775 in Rome by permission of Pope Clement XIV was extended over the whole world in 1776 by Pope Pius VI. The paper presents the organization and the course of the jubilee in Poland on the example of the Płock diocese where best sources in this matter are retained in the form of four printed volumes entitled „Rozrządzenia y pisma pasterskie [...] Michała Jerzego Poniatowskiego, biskupa płockiego...” (Decrees and pastoral letters of Michał Jerzy Poniatowski, Bishop of Płock). Basing upon them one can trace the excellent preparations (direct and indirect) of the diocese for the jubilee, its three-stage course, the ending and subsequent spiritual fruits. In the first stage (half a year) the ceremonies were performed in three centres of the bishopric: Płock, Pułtusk and Łomża. In the second stage (a quarter of a year) ten minor towns joined : Czerwińsk, Mława, Myszyniec, Ostrołęka, Płońsk, Praga, Sierpc, Skępe, Szczuczyn, and Zakroczym. In the third series of the jubilee (one month) indulgences were obtainable on the territory of every parish.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland jubileuszowejubilee yearslata święteholy yearsKościółChurchKościół katolickiCatholic ChurchPolskaPolandniepodległa PolskaIndependent Polandniepodległośćindependencediecezjediocesesdiecezja płockaostatni rok jubileuszowy w niepodległej Polscelast jubilee year in independent Polandpierwszy rozbiór Polskifirst partition of Polandrozbiory Polskipartitions of PolandhistoriahistoryOstatni wielki jubileusz w Polsce niepodległej (1776) na przykładzie diecezji płockiejThe last great jubilee of independent Poland, 1776 (based on the example of the Płock diocese)Article