Lec, Zdzisław2024-07-292024-07-292001Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2001, R. 9, Nr 2, s. 109-123.1231-1731http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/18511The political situation in Silesia, the developments of Reformation and the decisions of the Trident Council worked together in bringing the Jesuits to the Silesian region. They came there during the Thirty Years’ War and were conducting a fruitful pastoral, educative and economical activity. They had in Silesia 8 colleges, 5 residential centers and 1 mission. In the Upper Silesia the Jesuits founded colleges in Nysa, Opole and Opawa, residential centers in Tarnowskie Góry, Piekary Śląskie, Brzeg and Cieszyn. Their educative activity was mainly centered in Nysa, where one of the Jesuit school institution had in the year 1720 more than 700 students which was for those times a very high number. The stress put by the Jesuits on the school education was partly a response to the Protestant position. In those times ecumenism was of course no option and what counted was rivalry and denominational efficiency. The Protestant side had good schools in the Upper Silesia region in Brzeg, Cieszyn and Nysa.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/Górny ŚląskKościółhistoriahistoria KościołaXVI w.XVII w.XVIII w.Kościół na Śląskuhistoria ŚląskajezuiciTowarzystwo Jezusowezakonymęskie zgromadzenia zakonnezakonnicysytuacja religijna na Śląskudiecezjebiskupstwadziałalność edukacyjnaszkołyszkoły jezuickiekolegiaszkolnictwoedukacjaUpper SilesiaChurchhistoryChurch historyChurch in Silesiahistory of SilesiaJesuitsSociety of Jesusordersmale religious congregationsfriarsreligious situation in Silesiadiocesesbishopricseducational activitiesschoolsJesuit schoolscollegiaschoolingeducationszkolnictwo jezuickieJesuit schoolingJezuici na Górnym Śląsku do kasaty, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich działalności szkolnejJesuits in Upper Silesia and Their Educational ActivityArticle