Ficoń, Marta2023-02-132023-02-132013Polonia Sacra, 2013, R. 17 (35), Nr 32 (76), s. 111-133.1428-5673 article presents a brief history of the question concerning the fate of infants who die without the sacrament of baptism. It includes both the theological dimension of this issue and its existential consequences. Such a presentation of the question serves to formulate responses to the ever-arising problems concerning the baptism of children, the lack of this sacrament, theological perplexities or pastors’ and parents’ behavior. The aim is also to understand that God loves and wills to save everyone, especially the smallest representatives of the human race who has no chance to be baptized.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland nieochrzczonechrzestzbawienielimbus puerorumgrzech pierworodnypogrzebydzieciKościółhistoria Kościołateologiaunbaptized childrenbaptismsalvationoriginal sinburialfuneralschildrenChurchChurch historytheologygrzechsinsakramentysacramentspochówekLos dzieci zmarłych bez chrztu – nieznana historia i współczesne pytaniaThe Fate of Infants Dying Without Baptism – Unknown History and Contemporary QuestionsArticle