Konieczny, Jan2024-07-042024-07-042000Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2000, T. 20, s. 331-349.83-88071-38-6http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/17999The pastoral letter On Christian Principles o f the State which is being discussed, put in many indications and inspirations for putting into the practice the natural and rerealled law and Christian morality in public life. The Cardinal was convinced in his pastoral preaching, that the only aim of the Church is to build up ethical principles, to show what is conformable and contradictory to the natural law. When there was political disagreement between the "Sanacja" government and opposition, the Primate reminded the politicians of the principles and the rules which should be used in politics. The peculiar features of the suggested solution are progress, tolerancy and settlement. He was a spokesman of good relations between the State and the Church. For the first time as the Primate, he expressed an opinion about the Church and State relations and about the principles of the Church in Poland, during the Catholic Congress in Poznań (1926). He emphasized the Church ‒ dependence from forms of the governing and political parties. The cardinal emphasized the genuine Church contribution in the Pope’s preaching. He was against dividing the society into the fighting classes. He stated that the Church should be above the political parties. He was ready to co-operate with each govemmout, no matter what orientation it is, but only on the condition of respecting the natural and revealed law and an important role of the Church in the State. A. Hlond encouraged the catholics to take an active part in the political life, because he supposed the ethic laws and developing of the direction the revealled law, to be kept.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/pl/państwokoncepcja państwa według Augusta HlondaO chrześcijańskie zasady życia państwowegoAugust Hlondkardynałowielisty pasterskielisty pasterskie Augusta Hlondażycie państwowezasady życia państwowegochrześcijańskie zasady życia państwowegooddziaływanie społecznekoncepcja państwa na podstawie "O chrześcijańskie zasady życia państwowego" Augusta Hlondawładza państwowaustrój państwaobywateleżycie publiczneKościółrelacje państwo-Kościółnauczanie społeczne Kościołakatolicka nauka społecznastateAugust Hlond's conception of statecardinalspastoral lettersAugust Hlond's pastoral lettersstate lifeprinciples of state lifeChristian principles of state lifesocial impactstate authoritystate systemcitizenspublic lifeChurchstate-Church relationssocial teaching of the ChurchCatholic social teachingKoncepcja państwa na podstawie listu pasterskiego kard. Augusta Hlonda „O chrześcijańskie zasady życia państwowego”The Concept of the State According to the Pastoral Letter ‟On Christian Principles of the State” by Card. August HlondArticle