Góralczyk, Paweł2025-01-272025-01-272006Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19, s. 149-155.0137-4341https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/26809A teacher’s special vocation is to educate in the spirit of values such as patriotism, social order, democracy, diligence, parenthood, etc. This is true especially now, when a lot of rules of traditional morality are broken and moral relativism is openly propagated. Young people search for the meaning of life. They need a teacher who will help them in defining the hierarchy of values which they will follow. The highest value and goodness is God. A teacher who is a Christian gives testimony to the truth and goodness not only by word, but also with his life.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychnauczycielepowołaniewartościprzekazywanie wartościwartości chrześcijańskiespołeczeństwożycieteachersvocationvaluestransmission of valuesChristian valuessocietylifeSzczególne powołanie nauczycielaA Teacher’s Special VocationArticle