Stanek, Teresa2023-08-222023-08-222009Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2009, T. 1 (56), s. 131-146.2080-8534 of the problems of contemporary society is the understanding of sacrum its place and meaning for the common day life. This article presents two sources that distinguishing sacrum / profanum in space and time entered into culture of the European society. The source of separating space into sacred and profane is the religiosity that is based on observation of nature. The source of separating time into this two spheres is the biblical religion. In the European culture this dual perception was introduced through Christianity (biblical tradition and metaphysics). The way how this perception functions in daily life reveals not only the attitude towards religion but above all projects on the understanding of dignity of a person.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Izraelareligie ludów ościennychBibliaPismo ŚwięteBógreligie kosmicznebogowiebóstwareligionculturesacredprofanereligion of Israelreligion of neighboring peopleBibleGodcosmic religionsgodsdeitiesZbawianie świata. Biblijne i nie-biblijne rozumienie sacrumRedemption of the World. Biblical and Non-Biblical Understanding of SacrumArticle