Krzywonos, Joanna A.2023-11-272023-11-272006Roczniki Teologiczne, 2006, T. 53, z. 2, s. 145-161.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.Man’s alienation and solitude in the contemporary world suggests a fundamental question about the goal and sense of humans’ existence and their ultimate fulfilment. In confronting this situation with the truth of the faith about eternal God’s fatherhood there is a necessity to decide for or against God, and at the same time for or against sense. Karol Wojtyła’s drama Radiating with Fatherhood, together with John Paul II’s Wednesday religious instructions entitled God the Father, solve the above problem by answering two questions: who is the God revealed as the Father? and what does it mean for the man created in His likeness? Thus we shall find in the paper many inspiring issues from the area of Christian humanism.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandógojcostwo Bogasamotnośćczłowieksamotność człowiekahumanizm chrześcijańskihumanizmchrześcijaństwodramaty Karola WojtyłydramatliteraturaKarol Wojtyładramat „Promieniowanie ojcostwa”katechezaśrodowe katechezy papieskie „Bóg Ojciec”fatherhoodGodfatherhood of Godlonelinesshumanloneliness of manChristian humanismhumanismChristianitydramas by Karol Wojtyładramaliteraturedrama “Radiating with Fatherhood”Wednesday Papal Religious Instructions “God the Father”Jan Paweł IIpapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoJohn Paul IIpriesthoodclergypopeskatechezy środowe Jana Pawła IIWednesday catechesis of John Paul IIOjcostwo Boga jako pokonanie samotności człowieka. Refleksje na kanwie dramatu Karola Wojtyły „Promieniowanie ojcostwa” i środowych katechez papieskich „Bóg Ojciec”God’s Fatherhood as Overcoming Man’s Solitude. Some Reflections on Karol Wojtyla’s Drama “Radiating with Fatherhood” and the Wednesday Papal Religious Instructions “God the Father”Article