Gołębiewski, Marian2024-09-302024-09-302007Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 9-15.1231-1731https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/20907The Bible is a book of the Church. The church in Bible finds itself. On the time of the Old Covenant the chosen nation found identity in the Pentateuch and in the calling of prophets. Torah and prophetic books shaped all the nation. On the time of the New Covenant the Church finds identity in books, which with time, He regarded as inspired. For the Church faiths became the norm. So the Bible is part of the Church. The New Testament in it developed – and inversely: the Church was shaped by books of the New Testament. This specific feedback caused that the Bible was a product of the vivid present tradition in God’s people, this way of Old, as well as New Testament, the one whereas people found the norm of their faith in it. God with one thing and the same act of the will the Church planned the institution of the salvation and the Bible as its constitutive element. In fulfilling the God’s plan of salvation God in the only and indissoluble way bound the Bible with the primitive Church. Manifesting God given in one piece to the apostolic Church was a source in God’s intentions made more objective and a norm of the faith for people of all times. As such could be they expressed by Church and it exclusively in the written form. Hagiographers are not only transforming of God’s Revelation, but also with living witnesses of this faith made more objective of the Church. The unabridged truth, promised as the source of the faith and the objective norm of conduct, already at the apostolic Church is work of the Holy Spirit. God is an author of the Bible as the Author of the Word and the Church of saving the institution and the tool. The man is an author of the Bible as books. A task of theologians is explaining what the attitude of the Bible to the Church relies on is. The Bible came into existence in bonds of believing people. She is an expression of the faith at first of Israel, and then of the first Christian communities. The Bible, staying in the dense contact with the vivid tradition which is preceding it always accompanies it and so to speak is supporting in the being, is a privileged middle which God is also today using at building and the proliferation of the Church as God’s people. Although the Church isn’t over the authority of the Writing, the Church has the authority so that propagate and interpret the writing system. Passing on faith is work of the Church. The Bible is a book of the Church. Passing on faith cannot be separated from the Church or the Bible cannot be separated from it. The church is regarding the Bible as the rule of the faith. The Church’s teachings should draw from the Writing and to be surrendered to it. To sum up, the Church is it which is listening to the word of God said through the Writing and authoritative – with the help of – theologians is interpreting them.plCC-BY-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkachBibliaPismo ŚwięteKościółinterpretacja BibliibadaniabiblistykaInterpretacja Pisma Świętego w Kościeledokumenty KościołaUrząd Nauczycielski KościołaMagisterium Kościołateolodzyteologowieegzegezaegzegeza biblijnaegzegeciBibleChurchinterpretation of the Bibleresearchbiblical studiesChurch documentsChurch's Teaching Officetheologiansexegesisbiblical exegesisexegetesBiblia a KościółThe Bible and the ChurchArticle