Offmański, Andrzej2022-08-222022-08-221995Szczecińskie Studia Kościelne, 1995, nr 6, s. 43-50.83-7041-137-10867-7220 new evangelisation we live in, requires the renewal of catechesis, answering the problems fasced by modem youth. Return to the roots means the return to family catechesis. Through catechization of children in families all of the family members shall hear the God’s Word for people. They will go through meeting Christ in liturgy as well as in home rituals. Their urge to help the needing will awake. The family as the „Home Church” bears the weight of accompanying the young towards the mature faith. The family is the natural habitat of the raise in faith. Helping families in home catechization requires the renewal of studies for the mature and a constant accompanying the parents in the upraising process by means of helping not substituting.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandścijaństwowychowanie religijneformacja chrześcijańskachrześcijaństwosobór watykański IISecond Vatican CouncilVatican IIcouncilcatechesisfamilyevangelizationChristianitywychowanieupbringingJan Paweł IIKarol Wojtyłakapłaniduchowieństwopapieżepedagogikaidolruchy religijneprądy religijnenormy moralneetykamoralnośćduszpasterstwodziecimłodzieżJohn Paul IIpopesclergypriesthoodpedagogyethicsmoralityministryyouthchildrenKatecheza w rodzinie szansą nowej ewangelizacjiFamily Catechesis – A Chance for a new evangelisationArticle