Rożdżeński, Roman2023-06-192023-06-191996Analecta Cracoviensia, 1996, T. 28, s. 127-142.0209-0864 1920s there were suggested two basically different ways of understanding of the essence of science. The first of the suggestions expressed the views of the scientists and philosophers grouped in the so-called Vienna Circle (Wiener Kreis). Their opinion was that science is something completely opposed to metaphysics which is only an imitation of a real cognition. The second suggestion was formed by M. Heidegger. He maintains that science (i.e.all the scientific research) and metaphysics have the same essence, science being in fact a kind of an extension or continuation of metaphysics. Both metaphysics and science are interested exclusively in thingthat- is (Seiende) and are never interested in nonentity which, however, is the original form of being (Sein). This article concisely presents the reason of Heidegger’s opinion.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland naukimetafizykafilozofiaMartin Heideggerbytnicośćtrwogastrachlękstudyessence of sciencemetaphysicsphilosophybeingnothingnessfearMetafizyczna istota nauki według Martina HeideggeraThe Metaphysical Essence of Science According to M. HeideggerArticle