Ziółkowska, Marta2024-12-062024-12-062012Verbum Vitae, 2012, T. 22, s. 203-213.1644-85612451-280Xhttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/25076The paper presents selected aspects of St. Augustine's teaching on petition prayer. In the paper's first part the dialogic structure of the prayer is described. The second part exhibits the role of heart in prayer. In the third part the dynamics of prayer is presented based on division between answered and unanswered prayers. The paper's last part describes supematural direction of prayers to their proper subject which is God himself.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychAugustine of HippoGodhumandialoguedialogical structure of prayerprayerpetition prayerpetitionheartChurch FathersDoctors of the ChurchpsalmsAugustyn z HipponyBógczłowiekdialogdialogiczna struktura modlitwymodlitwamodlitwa prośbyprośbaserceojcowie Kościoładoktorzy KościołapsalmyPsalmy szkolą modlitwy ujęciu św. AugustynaArticle