Pamuła, Stanisław2024-01-262024-01-262007Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 6, s. 261-270.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Author.The process of uniting Europe is systematically progressing. The Polish influence and the success of Solidarity in 1989 played a big role in the social-political transformation that has taken place. This transformation was connected with Christianity, a context common to all of Europe. On this continent there was no question about the role that John Paul II played from the first moment of his election in 1978. As Pope, he wanted to strengthen and develop not only the religious life of people but also their social and economic values; he supported the integrative process that the European Union underlined and continued by recognising these values and deepening them because they are very near and dear for all peoples and countries.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland XVIUnia EuropejskaJan Paweł IIreligiaSolidarnośćtransformacjaunifikacja EuropyJoseph RatzingerpapieżeKościółjedność Europyzjednoczenie Europyhistoriatransformacja ustrojowatransformacja politycznaBenedict XVIEuropean UnionJohn Paul IIreligionSolidaritytransformationuniting EuropepopesChurchunity of Europeunification of Europehistorysystemic transformationpolitical transformationKościół w procesie unifikacji EuropyThe Church in the Process of Uniting EuropeArticle