Broński, Włodzimierz2023-10-132023-10-132004Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 6, s. 217-232.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.Homiletic formation is a process of shaping the skills and attitudes that enable priests sent by the Church to competently preach God’s Word in the contemporary world. It should be integrated with the whole of human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation. Reaching a thorough homiletic knowledge and shaping the attitudes within the homiletic formation should lead to a growth and development of the people who are called to priesthood in all the formation dimensions and it should contribute to their effectiveness in pastoral work.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland homiletycznaformacja kapłańskaalumniseminariaseminaria duchowneSłowo Bożeprzepowiadanie Słowa Bożegoformationhomiletic formationpriestly formationseminariesWord of Godpreaching the Word of GodalumnusZnaczenie formacji homiletycznej w przygotowaniu kandydatów do kapłaństwaThe Significance of Homiletic Formation in Preparing the Candidates for PriesthoodArticle