Kulpaczyński, Stanisław2023-08-222023-08-221979Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1979, T. 26, z. 6, s. 45-62.0035-7723http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/10117The antynomy of the Kingdom of God and the sin which lasts in the Church is overcome by the Christian penitential attitude – metanoia. The paper assumes the understanding of the penitential attitude as it is formulated in the Constitution Poenitemini, i.e. treats it as a relatively stable aspiration to improve the life basing on God’s love. The role of the confessor in shaping the penitential attitude in young people is considered from the theoretical and empirical sides. First the role of the confessor in the theological and psychological-educational aspects is discussed. The discussion of the theological aspect is based on the new Ordo Poenitentiae an the post-council formulation of sacrament of reconsiliation. The development of the control of the inner like in the light of the rules referring to Christian education is also presented. Various forms, aims and means assumed by the educational guidance in the succesive stages of the self-cognizing process are pointed to. Also the educational elements depending on the confessor are discussed. The empirical part presents young people's (200 persons) suggestions towards the confessor, taking into consideration the possibilities of the educational influence of the priest, as the respondents see them, as well as the participation of the confessor in the confession which caused the greatest change. Presenting attempts od a cooperation of young people and the confessor, statements about self-dependence or cooperation in planning an improvement of life and appraisals of the use of the same confessor are analyzed. In the empirical part also comparisons of the obtained opinions and an analysis of Italian young people’s (280 persons) opinions on a similar subject are done. Againts the background of the confrontation of theoretical assumptions and the young people’s opinions, pastoral-catechetic conclusions are drawn.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/teologiateologia pastoralnatheologypastoral theologyspowiedźconfessionsakramentysakramentspokutapojednaniereconciliationmłodzieżyouthpostawa pokutnapenitential attitudepostawaattitudespowiednicyconfessorspenanceRola spowiednika w kształtowaniu postawy pokutnej młodzieżyThe role of the confessor in shaping the penitential attitude in young peopleArticle