Borutka, Tadeusz2023-07-252023-07-252004Analecta Cracoviensia, 2004, T. 36, s. 101-111.0209-0864 ability to express oneself as a gift in marriage and motherhood enables the Christian trend of feminism to be ready to create and not only to fight. Enriched by a theological concept of the human body, such feminism will not be ashamed of the body and yet will not abandom the virtue of chastity. It could be said that the “new vision” of feminism, proclaimed by John Paul II, is synonymous with the Christian concept of woman’s dignity as it was expressed by the Holy Father in Mulieris dignitatem. Christian “new feminism” should therefore focus on formulating a new culture favouring life. It should not yield to the temptation of imitating models of masculinity and work to overcome all forms of discrimination, violence and exploitation. The concept of “new feminism” contains within it two aspects: a starving to eliminate the discrimination of women and simultaneously the need to overcome the harmful tendencies of “old feminism” in its extreme liberal and a-religious manifestation. Thus “new feminism” means in practice the re-reading and reinterpreting Biblical texts on the nature of woman’s role and vocation. The Church considers that cautious penetration to the Biblical source of the nature of womanhood will provide a deeper sense to our contemporariness, it will cause, that through the actions of those concerned, their reality will be subject to the anticipated transformation and that with the support of renewed Biblical models woman will understand her mission; will accept the gift of womanhood.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandścijaństwofeminizmposłannictwokobietaposłannictwo kobietychrześcijańskie posłannictwo kobietypowołanie kobietyKościółruch feministycznyhistoriagodnośćgodność ludzkagodność kobietykobiecośćmoralnośćprawa kobietJan Paweł IIKarol Wojtyłapapieżekapłaniduchowieństwoznak czasumacierzyństwomacierzyństwo duchowedziałalność społecznazadania kobiety w Kościelenowy feminizmchrześcijański „nowy feminizm”Christianityfeminismmissionwomanwoman's missionwoman's Christian missionwoman's vocationChurchfeminist movementhistorydignityhuman dignitywoman's dignityfemininitymoralitywomen's rightsJohn Paul IIpopespriesthoodclergysign of the timesmotherhoodspiritual motherhoodsocial activitieswoman's tasks in the Churchnew feminismChristian “new feminism”Feminizm a chrześcijańskie posłannictwo kobietyFeminism and Woman’s Christian MissionArticle