Stolarczyk, Ireneusz2024-04-102024-04-102000Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2000, T. 19, cz. 1, s. 119-128.0239-4472 – being a social phenomenon – is a challenge for the international community and for particular states. Due to the mentioned above reason it is also within the interest of the Catholic social science. Variation of human experience connected with this process is so wide that the social teaching of the Church deals with it frequently and specifically. The defence of human dignity and general social solidarity is the reason why John Paul the 2nd, the Pope, tackles with this problem. The analysis of the problems of this phenomenon of social life lets the Pope adddress the appeal to various groups whose integral activities may make the phenomenon of migration more worthy of a man. This is an appeal to the Church that is responsible for the condition and strength of the faith of the migrants; this is an appeal to the states in charge of establishing the law. structures and social order; this is also an appeal to the migrants themselves who are responsible for the social and economic development of their homeland. The Pope's proclamations reflect the opinion that a difficult situation of the migrants is not the result of unchangeable fate, but it may turn out to be more human thanks to responsible decisions taken by the people showing goodwill.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandść migrantażycie rodzinnegodność ludzkazagrożenieekonomiawiaraJan Paweł IIKarol WojtyłapapieżeŚwiatowy Dzień Migrantaspołeczeństwosocjologiaproblematyka społecznamigrationmigrantsmigrant dignityfamily lifehuman dignitydignitygodnośćdangereconomyfaithJohn Paul IIpopessocietysociologysocial problemsproclamationsorędziaorędzia papieskiemessagespapal messagesŚwiatowy Dzień Migranta i UchodźcyWorld Migrants DayWorld Migrant and Refugee DayKwestia społeczna w orędziach Jana Pawła II z okazji Światowego Dnia MigrantaSocial Question in the Messages of John Paul II for the World's Day of the MigrantArticle