Bartnicki, Sławomir2023-08-292023-08-292013Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii, 2013, T. 5 (60), s. 13-32.2080-8534 theologian Avery Dulles applies models to show different aspects of God's selfcommunication. But all models of revelation he integrates by using the idea of the symbol of participation, which is the external reality by which God reveals Himself to people. According to Avery Dulles revelation is the activity of God who gives Himself to a man through revelatory symbols and communicates his divine truths in order to welcome people to eternal, redemptive union with Himself. In a question related to a rational character of revelation he explains the issues such as the possibility, necessity and nature of verification of revelation by human mind. The American theologian maintains that it is possible that revelation may occur and that it is essential to human eternal salvation. The author also claims that human mind can recognize divine revelation which is the first condition to accept revelation in faith. He maintained, moreover, that we may reach moral certainty in theology, not certainty of evidence, and that divine grace completes the rest of our religious knowledge. The next part of this article shows traditional arguments for the rational character of Christian revelation. According to Avery Dulles the argument from resurrection is the most important among other classic arguments. American scholar gives also new arguments for a rational character of Christian revelation. The argument from the testimony of Christians’ lives is typical for Avery Dulles way of thinking. Finally, when we justify God’s revelation, we can accept it reasonably.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland DullesobjawienieObjawienie Bożewiarygodnośćwiarygodność Objawienia chrześcijańskiegoargumentymodele objawieniasymbolświadectwowiarakomunikacja symbolowasymbole objawieniowesymbole konwencjonalneBógpoznanieteologia fundamentalnarevelationGod's RevelationDivine Revelationcredibilitycredibility of Christian Revelationargumentsmodels of revelationsymboltestimonyfaithsymbolic communicationrevelatory symbolsconventional symbolsGodcognitionfundamental theologyteologiatheologyWiarygodność objawienia chrześcijańskiego w refleksji teologicznej Avery’ego DullesaCredibility of Christian Revelation in Theological Reflection of Avery DullesArticle