Piekarz, Grzegorz2024-06-032024-06-032012Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 1, s. 97-109.0239-4472http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/16371The article refers to the Priest, who for the significant majority of Tarnovian clergy remained, in the post-concilliar liturgy, a sacral music “icon”. His sense of humour combined with the extraordinary musical competences helped him to win the favour of the people he encountered throughout his life. Those who had a chance to get to know him better, could clearly see how deeply rooted in his faith of the Crucified Jesus he was. The first part of the article shows Father’s both spiritual and intellectual growth since his early years of the childhood, whereas the second concentrates on his being a teacher. The Priest was a lecturer of the Tarnovian Theological Seminary and the Diocesan Organ Study in Tarnow, as well as a director of the Music Church Department in the Tarnovian Curia. Despite all his duties and the responsibilities he was taking on, he still managed to find time for being an editor and a composer of religious music. That field of his work was closely related to the Catholic Church post – concilliar reforms, which have been described in the second part of the paper.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Kazimierz Pasionekdiecezjediecezja tarnowskamuzykaliturgiaśpiewDiecezjalne Studium Organistowskiepedagodzyśpiew kościelnymuzyka religijnamuzyka chóralnadziałalność kompozytorskakompozytorzykapłaniduchowieństwodiocesesdiocese of TarnówmusicliturgychantDiocesan Organ StudypedagoguesChurch chantreligous musicchoral musiccomposing activitiescomposerscomposers of religious musickompozytorzy muzyki religijnejclergypriesthoodpieśnisongsKs. Kazimierz Pasionek – „Maestro” diecezji tarnowskiej w pielgrzymce wiaryFather Kazimierz Pasionek – Tarnow Diocese “Maestro” in the Pilgrimage of FaithArticle