Jahns, Robert2025-01-312025-01-312008Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23, s. 279-293.0137-4341https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/27102The threats connected with a distorted experience of sexuality in celibacy and a great responsibility for the Church and one’s own vocation, together with the demand for priestly maturity, require from the priest a thorough preparation and constant care. In this respect the Church’s Magisterium stresses the crucial importance of proper preparation for celibacy through seminary and ongoing formation. In the course of this educational process, every seminarian, and later ordained presbyter, should reach such spiritual, human, intellectual and pastoral maturity as well as psychophysical integration that they will allow him for a full realization of the idea of spiritual fatherhood in the community. The result of a successful formation process is a pastoral care with which the priest devotes himself to the ministry for his ecclesial community.plCC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnychkapłaństwokapłaniduchowieństwoformacjaformacja kapłańskacelibatcelibat kapłańskiposługasłużbaojcostwo duchoweformacja seminaryjnaseminariaformacja stałaKościółpriesthoodclergyformationpriestly formationcelibacypriestly celibacyministryservicespiritual fatherhoodseminary formationseminariespermanent formationChurchFormacja do celibatu kapłańskiego jako element przygotowania do posługi duchowego ojcostwaFormation in Priestley Celibacy as an Element of Preparation for Spiritual FatherhoodArticle