Brasse, Rafał2024-11-182024-11-182016Studia Ełckie, 2016, T. 18, nr 3, s. 235-254.1896-68962353-1274 “Pieśń nostalgiczna” brightness emerges as an admirable, esoteric essence, filled with cosmic forces. Determined by the lyrical subject with the significant epithets of “strong” and “foreign”, it exerts a strong influence on the world of his spiritual experiences, trying to acquaint him with the final issues. Is brightness that appears over the poetʼs head his “alter ego”, a creation of a dream dramatically highlighting the internal tension caused by the premonition of his impending death? Or, on the contrary, it is quite a distinct, authentic personal being, able to meet the poet within the area delineated by the limits of his own language, and therefore specifically materialize – following Gilbert Durand – as a visible sign in the imagination sphere. Certainly, we cannot answer these questions in the context of purely literary research, and, indeed, we do not even need to, encouraging readers to commune with the mystery which surrounds the emergence of the literary work.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnycheschatological anxietydreams poeticsTadeusz Gajcyeschatologiczny niepokójpoetyka snówpieśńhymnPieśń nostalgicznaliteraturaliteraturoznawstwoliteratureliterary studiesniepokójanxietyWokół eschatologicznego niepokoju wyrażonego językiem poetyki marzenia w „Pieśni nostalgicznej” Tadeusza GajcegoThoughts on Eschatological Concerns Expressed in the Language of Dreams Poetics of „Pieśń Nostalgiczna” (The Nostalgic Song) by Tadeusz GajcyArticle