Szymik, Jerzy2023-07-182023-07-182001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 2, s. 99-107.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.A reliable anthropology, grounded on the truth of being, is possible only in the light of Christology and Trinitology. This standpoint of Christian theology is always repeated and made more profound. The conception of “person” is of essential importance and is constitutive for the synthesis of the three domains, the conception that can be found in the first sentence. Y. Congar’s outline, commented on in this study and “enlightened” by other texts, leads us to the depth of the Trinitarian-Christie dimensions by which to understand the person, i.e. to the terms which define its essence: someone, relationship, love. The culmination and truth of being (including man, anthropology) reaches to the sources of reality – or the “Interior of the Creators” – communion.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Congartrynitologiaosobapersonalizmkomunia osóbteologiaTrójca ŚwiętaTrzy „Osoby”?trinitologypersonpersonalismcommunion of personstheologyHoly TrinityThree "Persons"?teologia dogmatycznadogmatic theologyTres nescio quisTres nescio quidOsoby w Bogu, czyli „Tres nescio quis”. Refleksje trynitologiczne na kanwie szkicu Yves Congara pt. „Trzy «Osoby»?”The Person in God, or “Tres nescio quis”. Trinitological Reflections on the Basis of Yves Congar’s Outline Entitled “Three ‘Persons’”?Article