Mueller, Wojciech2023-12-152023-12-152022Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2022, T. 38, s. 85-103.1731-0555 13, 2019, in the Church of St. John Bosco in Luboń, the last public session was held ending the diocesan stage of canonization process of the Servant of God, Rev. Stanisław Streich. Streich was a martyr for the faith who died at the hands of the Communist criminal Wawrzyniec Nowak. The session was attended by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Metropolitan of Poznań, and the established tribunal: bishop’s delegate, promoter of justice, and notary, as well as a postulator. Archbishop Gądecki’s decree declared that the investigation at the diocesan stage was finally closed. Each individually swore that he had fulfilled his tasks faithfully and that he would keep an official secret. Extensive documentation of the canonization process of Rev. Stanisław Streich, numbering almost 3,500 pages that included trial files with thirty-one testimonies of witnesses was prepared to be submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. This stage, which is called the Roman stage of any altar candidate process, represents a qualitative leap in a given cause. The phase of collecting documents is over, and their substantive development begins. Al this is served by the various stages that establish the following: a new postulator of the cause; the issuance of a decree of validity of the diocesan inquiry; the appointment of a relator; the editing of the Positio; then the historical, theological, and ordinary congregation of cardinals and bishops; and finally, the promulgation of the decree of martyrdom by the pope.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland stage of the canonization processpostulatordecree of validityrelatorhistorical consultationtheological consultationcanonization processStanisław Streichsługi Bożeetap rzymski procesu kanonizacyjnegodekret ważnościkonsulta historycznakonsulta teologicznaproces kanonizacyjnyservants of Godkanonizacjacanonizationbeatyfikacjaproces beatyfikacyjnybeatificationbeatification processRzymska faza sprawy beatyfikacyjnej Sługi Bożego ks. Stanisława StreichaRoman Stage of the Beatification Process of the Servant of God, Fr. Stanisław StreichArticle