Nawracała, Tomasz2023-02-072023-02-072015Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 5, s. 67-83.2354-0311 Jubilee of Mercy opens to Church the opportunities of thinking about the idea of mercy, once again. The history of Church is the history of mercy, as it was noticed by the Pope Francis, and the life of every person is included in this history. Everyone is touched by God’s mercy. This experience of mercy is undoubtedly unchaining from evil and sin. Is it the final of God’s acting? But God is love in His nature and all is done by Him is because of love. Is mercy and love connected with each other? Do they have mutual impact on each other? The author of this article tries to answer these questions pointing the mutual bond connecting mercy and love and underlying the specificity of mercy experience in the perspective of God’s love.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandłosierdziemiłośćgrzechdoświadczeniedoświadczenie egzystencjalnemercylovesinexperienceexistential experiencerelacjerelationshipsMiłosierdzie zawsze spełnia się w miłości. Kilka myśli na temat miłosierdziaMercy is always fulfilled in Love. Few Ideas about MercyArticle