Laskowski, Łukasz2023-02-102023-02-102017Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 9, s. 361-413.978-83-64487-06-42354-0311 text presents interpretation of Amenemope’s Instruction with comments and preceded by introduction. Research paper is directed to theology students and all people interested in reception of Egyptian tradition in Israel. Under the name of Amenemope there is a work of which reflection we can find in pericopes are in the Book of Proverbs. The introduction contains a lot of data on context of functioning wisdom literature of Egypt, its reception in Greek world and the sketch of way, which these information could reach Israel. The content of Amenemope’s Instruction is an evidence of high development of humanistic culture of new country under the rule of pharaohs.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ŚwięteStary TestamentKsięga PrzysłówMądrość AmenemopeEgiptMa’atHerodotPlutarchliteraturaBibleOld TestamentBook of ProverbsWisdom of AmenemopeEgyptliteratureMądrość Amenemope – wprowadzenie i przekład z krótkim komentarzemWisdom of Amenemope – Introduction and Interpretation with Short CommentaryArticle