Nowak, Władysław2023-07-242023-07-242001Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 6, s. 19-32.1233-1457 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.The Paschal Mystery, the mystery of passion, death, resurrection, and glorification of Christ constitutes the very centre of Christianity. It is regarded as a foundation, basis, and key for an interpretation of any Christian cult in the liturgy. It is celebrated, and not repeated. The fellowship of the faithful celebrate the Paschal Mystery in the sacraments: the sacraments of Christ and the Church, the sacraments of faith and salvation, the sacraments of eternal life. The sacraments not only emerge from the paschal mystery like from a source, but they concretely carry them out; including Christians and combining them thereby together in Christ. The Paschal Mystery performed once for all in Christ “is widening” and, as it were, is extended in the liturgy in the time of the Church by the sacramental signs. They in turn are true places of encountering the risen Christ with particular people. The liturgy of the sacraments makes this mystery present. In the sacrament of baptism through which the faithful are immersed in the death and resurrection of Christ, they receive the Holy Spirit and through Him come to the Father. Through the Eucharist, the triumph and victory of Christ over death, by participating in the miraculous and joyful work of grace the faithful proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes (KL 6). The Paschal Mystery is the source and peak, for the whole liturgy and its sense are grounded on the mystery of the Passover of Christ.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland sakramentówanamnezaanamneza Misterium PaschalnegoMisterium PaschalneJezus Chrystusliturgiaczas KościołacelebracjaKościółczassakramentyliturgy of sacramentsanamnesis of the Paschal MysteryanamnesisPaschal MysteryJesus Christliturgytime of the ChurchcelebrationChurchtimesacramentsteologiatheologyteologia pastoralnapastoral theologyLiturgia sakramentów celebracją anamnezy Paschalnego Misterium Chrystusa w czasie KościołaThe Liturgy of the Sacraments as a Celebration of the Anamnesis of the Paschal Mystery of Christ at the Time of the ChurchArticle