Kubiś, Adam2024-10-102024-10-102012The Biblical Annals, 2012, T. 2, nr 1, s. 153-194.2083-22222451-2168https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/21589Artykuł w języku angielskim.The explicit references to the Scripture (γραϕή) in the Johannine cleansing narrative in 2:22 as well as in the Johannine narrative about the empty tomb in 20:9 were always a perplexing mystery which raised a plethora of scholarly proposals. The article presents an argument in favor of Zech 6:12-13 as a scriptural referent in both these occurrences of γραϕή. The Zechariah prophecy about the future rebuilding of the temple by a Messianic king perfectly dovetails with the Johannine Temple-Christology, which depicts the resurrection of Jesus as the rebuilding of the temple by the Messiah-King.enCC-BY - Uznanie autorstwaGospel of JohnBook of ZechariahJohn's Christology of the templetempleChristologyScripturekingMessiahtemple cleansingresurrectionangelsGarden of EdenMary MagdaleneJesus’ burialNew TestamentOld TestamentBibletheologyexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesEwangelia według św. JanaEwangelia JanowaKsięga ZachariaszaJanowa chrystologia świątyniświątyniachrystologiaPismo ŚwięteγραϕήkrólMesjaszoczyszczenie świątynizmartwychwstanieaniołyogród EdenEdenogród biblijnyMaria Magdalenanoli me tangerepochówek JezusaNowy TestamentStary TestamentBibliaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaZechariah 6:12-13 as the Referent of γραфή in John 2:22 and 20:9Article