Krochmal, Jacek2023-03-102023-03-101993Roczniki Teologiczne, 1993, T. 40, z. 2, s. 83-96.0035-7723 tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.Fabian Birkowski, a Dominican, doctor of theology, the preacher of Vladislav IV Vasa belonged to the most outstanding theologians of the first half of the 17th century. One of the most important works in his literary output is the two-volume cycle of Sunday Sermons (Cracow 1620, 1628). The latter is a great polemic and catechismal work, and makes the source of reference for the present paper. Birkowski did not create any larger Mariological tract, and the specific character of his Mariology was determined by the polemic character of his Sunday Sermons. It is in them that he concentrated on fighting false opinions of dissenters (of all groups of Protestantism and Nestorianism) about the main Marian truths, leaving to the side the questions which do not make the subject-matter of disputes. Hence he defended Immaculate Conception, virgin and divine motherhood of Mary, as well as truths about her Assumption and intercession. At the same time he concentrated on the defence of a controversial then, even among theologians, Catholic the truth of Immaculate Conception and on the dogma of divine motherhood of Mary which took the central position among other Marian truths.The latter, as it were, resulted from the former. All Birkowski's Mariological polemics were carried on within a broader Christologica context. The preacher did not only dispute over the Mariological truths with the Ortio ox theologians but quite the contrary, he presented their standpoints as a proof that Catholic Mario logy is correct. The publicity of Birkowski's sermons contributed to a certain extent to the development o Marian cult, especially to its Christological aspect. The preacher stood firmly for the proponents of Immaculate Conception and that presents him to the advantage against the background o us contemporary Dominican theologians.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland BirkowskidominikaniezakonnicyteologowieteolodzyXVI w.XVII w.Maryjakazaniakaznodziejstworeformacjakultkult świętychkult maryjnyprotestantyzmkatolicyzmherezjemariologiaspory międzywyznanioweDominican friarsfriarstheologytheologiansteologiaMarysermonspreachingReformationcultcult of saintscult of MaryProtestantismheresiesMariologyinterdenominational disputesdisputessporyCatholicismNajświętsza Maryja Panna w kazaniach Fabiana Birkowskiego OP (1566-1636)The Holy Virgin in the sermons of Fabian Birkowski OP (1566-1636)Article