Dzierżoń, Ginter2024-08-052024-08-052011Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2011, T. 31, s. 291-298.0137-3420 the presented study, the author focused his attention on the issue of acts concerning privileges. The analyses carried out showed that current dispositions concerning the rules of interpretation referring to privileges (can. 77 CIC) remain directly related to classical interpretative rules developed in the period of classical canon law. Furthermore, the author pointed out that regulations included in can. 77 CIC particularly accentuate the nature of a privilege because according to the legal definition of a privilege, this type of a decision by a competent authority is an act of mercy. This is why this objective aspect should be taken into consideration in the interpretation of acts concerning privileges and usually, in reference to such decisions, wide interpretation ought to be in use. With the instances codified in can. 36 § 1 CIC, which remain an exception strict interpretation should be used.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland kanoniczneprzywilejeinterpretacjaKodeks Prawa Kanonicznegointerpretacja prawa kanonicznegolawcanon lawprivilegesakty prawneactsinterpretationCode of Canon Lawinterpretation of canon lawinterpretacja aktów prawnychinterpretation of actsInterpretacja aktów dotyczących przywilejówThe interpretation of Acts Concerning PrivilegesArticle