Kotkowski, Stanisław2023-07-262023-07-261976Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1976, T. 23, z. 4, s. 95-108.http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/9670Diocesan seminary in Sandomierz had been founded by biskop Adam Prosper Burzyński on account of the postulates included in bulla ”Ex imposita Nobis” of Pape Pius VII, of 30 th June, 1818, concerned with the erection of Sandomierz diocese, and organization of its ecclessiastical school. Grand opening of the seminary took place on 7 th November 1820. Sandomierz Seminary, like other ecclessiastical schools, shared the ups and downs of the Catholic Church in the Polish Kingdom. Both the efforts of the political authority, tending to the destuction of the Church autonomy on the Polish teritories, and its Russifying ambitions, bavé a fullreflection in the contemporary history of the seminary in Sandomierz. In the attempt of invasive authorities towards subordination of Sandomierz seminary (in that period) theree stages, that were conditioned by different political and ecclessiastical relations can be recognized. The first of them, (1841-1863), was the stage of increasing interference of Government circles into the inner seminary life. The second, (1863-1905), was the period of the fight the Church authorities with the invader, who attempoted at comprehenisive control and supervision over the seminary, and especially over the education and upbringing of alumni. Finally, the third (1905-1914), reflects the termination of the Russifying policy of tsar’s authorities in the seminary. In that period, the Apostolic See, having extrenely important significance in the political and ecclessiastical history (of the period discussed), came ont in the defence of the fundamental and essential rights of the Church in the field of upbringing and education of church youths in the Polish Kingdom, against the autlempts and demands of the secular authority. Among others, the treaties that Roman Curia made with Russien government, (of 3 rd August 1847, 24 th December 1882, 2 nd April 1897 and 22 July 1907), in order to secure for seminaries the organization consistentwith. Church regulations, evidence it.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/historiahistorypolitykapoliticsKrólestwo PolskieRosjaRussiaadministracja carskatsarist administrationzaboryannexationzabór rosyjskiRussian annexationseminariaseminariesseminaria duchowneSandomierzSeminarium Diecezjalne w SandomierzurusyfikacjarussificationPolityka rządu Królestwa Polskiego i administracji carskiej wobec seminarium duchownego w Sandomierzu 1841-1914Sandomierz seminary against the background of political and ecclessiastical situation in the Polish Kingdom (1841-1914)Article