Haligowska, Aleksandra2023-02-092023-02-092017Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 8, s. 195-208.2354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/3693Kitchen – this a topic of the article. This very important part of our lives is taking a place in history of private life. Popularity of private life in historical context is soaring amongst the scientific community and readers. In this case I will focus on family Lubomirski’s menu in Rzeszów in XVIII century. How the kitchen looked, how looked the dishes for everyday use, what they bought, and finally, how was the menu and how much they paid for it. For describing the picture of Lubomirski’s kitchen I also showed a general trends of the century on this subject. This work is drawn on primary sources like cookbooks from XVII and XVIII centrury and archive records.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/Lubomirscykuchniaarystokracjadom LubomirskiegohistoriaRzeszówPolskapolska historiażycie prywatneXVIII w.kitchenaristocracyhouse of Lubomirskihistoria Rzeszowahistory of RzeszówPolandhistoryPolish historyprivate lifehistoria Polskihistory of PolandKuchnia Lubomirskich na Rzeszowie w XVIII wiekuThe Lubomirski Family‘s Cuisine in Rzeszów in the Eighteenth CenturyArticle