Michalik, Andrzej2024-06-032024-06-032014Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2014, T. 33, cz. 2, s. 79-90.0239-4472http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/16581Thoughts about beauty appear in various places of incredibly rich writings of Joseph Ratzinger. Accordingly with his method, he undertakes this topic in a historical context reaching as far as to the Ancient Times, and develops its theological basis, in order to finally present its ecclesiastic context and a practical development. As always though, the point of origin is the existential problem and the answer of the Revelation as well as diagnosis of modernity. Beauty – according to Joseph Ratzinger – today, is rarely a product of inspiration, but it became a subject of commerce. Beauty seems to suffice by itself, which leads to an art crisis. However, because beauty in its deepest essence points towards a different Reality, that is why we discover all over again its special role in the fulfillment of the Church’s mission. The first task of the Church is to oppose the wicked beauty, which diminishes human, and the second one is to breathe new one in the apostolate thanks to discovering anew the purpose and the meaning of beauty in the human life, in experiencing God and in the Church’s liturgy. Against the crisis of apostolate we need to see the pedagogical aspect of beauty. Human wounded by an arrow of beauty – according to a personal experience of Joseph Ratzinger – is lifted up, above himself. For it is the protection of true beauty and seeing its role in the Church’s mission that are the tasks and a chance for the Church.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/pięknomisja KościołaJoseph Ratzingerzranienie strzałą pięknaKościółteologiaeklezjologiabeautyChurch missionwounded by an arrow of beautyChurchtheologyecclesiologymisjamissionpiękno Kościołabeauty of the ChurchZraniony strzałą piękna. Piękno i misja Kościoła według Josepha RatzingeraWounded by an arrow of beauty. Beauty and a mission of the Church according to Joseph RatzingerArticle