Przygoda, Wiesław2024-02-052024-02-052008Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 6, s. 37-46.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The present knowledge on pastoral theology is contained in monographs, handbooks and pastoral theology lexicons and dictionaries. The achievements of Polish pastoral theology that was practiced in the Universities of Krakow and Lvov starting with the beginning of the 18th century are significant, but still little known. The academic handbook edited by Rev. R. Kamiński, entitled Pastoral Theology (Vol. 1-2. Lublin 2000-2002) contains a synthesis of Polish pastoral-theological thought at the stage of the end of the 20th century. Lexicon of Pastoral Theology (Lublin 2006) is a kind of complement to this handbook. It contains 406 entries and comprises all the issues belonging to both fundamental and special pastoral theology, cairology, pastoral ecclesiology, pastoral anthropology, charity theology, pastoral medicine and pastoral missiology.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland pastoralnadziałalność zbawczaformacja pastoralnaformacjaLeksykon teologii pastoralnejleksykony teologicznesłownikisłowniki teologiczneleksykony teologicznopastoralnesłowniki teologicznopastoralnelexiconstheologypastoral theologysalvific activitypastoral formationformationLexicon of Pastoral Theologytheological lexiconsdictionariestheological dictionariestheological-pastoral lexiconstheological-pastoral dictionaries„Leksykon teologii pastoralnej” na tle zagranicznych leksykonów i słowników teologicznopastoralnych‟Lexicon of Pastoral Theology” Against the Background of Foreign Pastoral Theology Lexicons and DictionariesArticle