Juszkiewicz, Wojciech2023-02-202023-02-202018Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 10, s. 175-200.978-83-64487-10-12354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/3873The conception of realistic metaphysics formulated by M.A. Krąpiec is a crucial point in the history of polish philosophy. The conception proposed by Krąpiec constitutes a part of the tradition originating from the Aristotelian and Thomistic philosophy and has become the basis for the program of the Lublin Philosophical School. Krąpiec’s conception of realistic metaphysics is composed of following elements: identifcation (defnition) of the subject matter of metaphysics; emphasising the subject matter of metaphysics; substantiation that is “non-contradictory” for the subject matter of metaphysics; metaphysical analogy. The metaphysics built on such existential basis is not a defnition limited to a specifc area of reality but it encompasses everything that exists.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/metafizykafilozofiaMieczysław Albert KrąpiecLubelska Szkoła Filozoficznarealizmbytpluralizmsąd egzystencjalnytranscendentaliametafizyczne pierwsze zasadystruktura bytupartykularyzacja bytuprzyczyny bytuanalogiametaphysicsLublin School of Philosophyrealismbeingpluralismexistential judgmentmetaphysical first principlesstructure of beingparticularization of beingcauses of beinganalogyphilosophyNieumiarkowany realizm. Mieczysława A. Krąpca koncepcja metafizyki realistycznejAn Immoderate Realism. Mieczysław A. Krąpiec’s Conception of Realistic MetaphysicsArticle