Zarębski, Piotr2022-11-072022-11-072001Polonia Sacra, 2001, R. 5 (23), Nr 9 (53), s. 79-88.1428-5673 subject matter is in the case of St. Gregory of Nyssa, a 4th c. theologian and philosopher, so vast that a bulging volume might be written on it. In a short paper it is necessary to treat the issues under discussion in a rather general way drawing a general sketch of the great theologian's reflections on the subject of human carnality. Touching on the issue of carnality in St. Gregory's theology we will remain within the exegesis of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. It is on the basis of these Biblical details that Gregory creates his own theory, interpreting in a very specific way the creation of carnal man, the creation of a man and a woman and the calling for marriage.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland z Nyssyświęcibiskupiojcowie KościołamałżeństwociałopłećduchduszacielesnośćbytmateriaBibliaPismo Święteegzegezaegzegeza biblijnakapłaniduchowieństwoGregory of NyssasaintsbishopsChurch FathersmarriagebodysexspiritsoulcarnalitybeingmatterBibleexegesisbiblical exegesisclergypriesthoodpatrologiapatrystykapatristicspatrologysakramentysacramentsNędzne ziarno. Ciało, płeć, małżeństwo w myśli św. Grzegorza z NyssyPoor Grain Body. Sex, Marriage in the Thought of St. Gregory of NyssaArticle