Kowalski, Marcin2024-10-222024-10-222014The Biblical Annals, 2014, T. 4, nr 1, s. 97-120.2083-22222451-2168https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/22307Artykuł w języku włoskim.The story of the sinful woman (Luke 7:36-50) is an excellent example of Luke’s narrative skills. It presents a coherent plot, abounds in interesting turning points, and shows a vivid interaction between main characters. In the same time, the story is filled with tensions, gaps and ambiguity which regard the gestures of the woman, the forgiveness she receives, and the role which in the entire process is played by Jesus. The purpose of the present article lies in illumining the development of Luke’s account with the use of the narrative approach. The story is divided into scenes and set up in the spatial-temporal, and socio-cultural frame. The scheme of the narration is labeled as a plot of discovery. Its focal point is not the love or faith of the sinful woman, but the identity of Jesus. The full revelation of his divine authority takes place in the pardon of sins granted to the woman (vv.47a.48), which brings to completion the ongoing process of her reconciliation. The article finishes with the analysis of interaction between the text and its readers and with the exposition of the techniques used by the narrator to shape the competences and the choices made by the recipients of the story.itCC-BY - Uznanie autorstwanarrative analysissinful womanPhariseesSimonforgivenessplot of discoveryJesus’ identityJesus ChristidentityGospel of Lukeexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesBibleNew Testamentanalisi narrativadonna peccatricefariseoSimoneperdonotrama di rivelazioneidentità di Gesùanaliza narracjianaliza narracyjnakobieta grzesznafaryzeuszeSzymonprzebaczeniewątek odkryciatożsamość JezusaJezus ChrystustożsamośćEwangelia według św. Łukaszaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaBibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy TestamentŁk 7"Chi è quest’uomo che osa anche rimettere i peccati?" (Lc 7,49). La trama ed il clou del racconto lucano sulla donna peccatrice (Lc 7,36-50)"Who Is This, Who Even Forgives Sins?" (Luke 7:49). The Plot and the Clou of the Lukan Narrative on the Sinful Woman (Luke 7:36-50)Article