Kulbacki, Piotr2024-02-202024-02-202012Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2012, T. 3 (59), s. 31-48.2080-6337http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/13395Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.Half a century ago Pius XII carried out a reform of the Paschal Triduum. Despite the reprimands in the Circular Letter Paschalis solemnitatis of 1988 the pastoral practice often ignores the spirit of this reform and the liturgical regulations. The present article explains certain elements of the history that justify theologically the present form of the Triduum liturgy. The problem of changes in the number of days and stages of celebrating Easter that have been made for many centuries is solved by the use of the key given by St Augustine with respect to Jesus: crucifixi, sepulti, suscitati. These stages determine the course of the three days of celebrating the Paschal Triduum. Since the Triduum constitutes the peak of the liturgical year it should be the center of Christian formation. This is why in the post-Council missal during Lent elements of catechumenal formation have been more explicitly emphasized, directing all the faithful to a revival of the covenant of the Holy Baptism during the main celebration of the liturgical year – Easter Eve. The practice of taking part in experiencing the Paschal Triduum intensively, following the example of special closed recollections in formation centers of the Light-Life Movement, is an invaluable aid for the formation of the liturgical service, which bears fruit in the form of well prepared teams of the Paschal Triduum liturgy animators.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/liturgiaTriduum PaschalneList okólny „Paschalis Sollemnitatis”celebracjaMisterium Paschalneodnowa liturgicznamisterium ChrystusaJezus Chrystusformacjaformacja liturgicznaliturgyPaschal TriduumEaster TriduumCircular letter “Paschalis Sollemnitatis”celebrationPaschal Mysteryliturgical renewalmystery of ChristJesus Christformationliturgical formationLiturgia Triduum Paschalnego – Chrystusa ukrzyżowanego, pogrzebanego i wskrzeszonegoThe Liturgy of the Paschal Triduum – of the Crucified, Buried and Risen ChristArticle