Kwiatkowski, Dariusz2023-09-112023-09-112002Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 8, s. 111-144.1233-1457łumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz.The study is concerned with the rites of consecration of presbyters according to editio typica altera of the part of the Roman Pontifical containing the Rites of consecration of the bishop, presbyters and deacons, promulgated with the decree Ritus Ordinationum of June 29, 1989 by the Congregation of Divine Cult and Discipline of Sacraments. In its first part the study presents the structure of rites of presbyters consecration in the new Pontifical with a special stress on the novelties and differences with respect to the previous edition of 1968. Attention should be paid to the theological-pastoral introduction and the significant changes in the consecration prayer. Most changes have been made in the intercession prayer, in which the presbyters’ tasks and their connection with the bishop are precisely pointed to. The second part of the article is concerned with some theological aspects of the revived rites of presbyters consecration. The epicletic form of the consecration sacrament is first of all stressed, as well as its ecclesiastic dimension. In the latter aspect the reader’s attention is drawn to, among others, the issues of presbyters’ service in the Church and for the Church, the Church’s community’s tasks with respect to presbyters, and to the presbyter’s relation to the bishop, the bishop’s to the presbyter, and the presbyter’s to another presbyter.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandłanieprezbiterzysługaświęceniamodlitwa święceńkolegium prezbiterówPontyfikał rzymskiliturgikaliturgiamodlitwateologiavocationpresbytersservantconsecrationkonsekracjaordinationconsecration prayermodlitwa konsekracyjnaordination prayerRoman pontificalliturgicsliturgyprayertheologyŚwięcenia prezbiterów w Pontyfikale Rzymskim z 1990 rokuConsecration of Rresbyters in the Roman Pontifical of 1990Article