Ziaja, Krystian2025-01-142025-01-142016Scriptura Sacra, 2016, R. 20, s. 31-55.1428-72182391-9396https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/26195At the prophet Habakuk we come atross an interesting oracle saying, which is contained in verses 2,1-4. It contains the words of God, who reveals that ‘He who is not righteous disappears, but the righteous remains alive because of his faithfulness in the Old Testament, we find many passages in which concepts such as ‘faith”, ‘life”, ‘righteous” appear (e.g.: Ps 15; Isa 9,6; 11,4; 50,15; Jer 5,1; 25,5; Ez 18,5-26; Prv 12,10; Mi 6,8; Am 5 4; 5,24). This text of the Habakuk Book also deserves attention because the words mentioned above, spoken by God, are quoted three times in the New Testament, namely: Rome 1,17; Ga 5,11; Heb 10,58. In this respect the meaning of the statements is so very interesting. In the present aniele is first the critical literary analysis of the text carried out Ha 2,1-4 (author and the time of its activity; content; literary form). Then the exegetical analysis Ha 2,1-4 (preparation for the acceptance of the Yahweh - word Ha 2,1-5; word Yahweh Ha 2,4).plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachHabakukfaithliferighteousliterary-exegetical analysisliterary analysisexegetical analysisoracleBook of HabakkukBibleOld TestamentNew Testamentbiblical studiesexegesisbiblical exegesistheologybiblical theologyoracles of the Old Testamentprophetswiarażycieprawośćanaliza literacko-egzegetycznaanaliza literackaanaliza egzegetycznawyroczniaKsięga HabakukaHa 2BibliaPismo ŚwięteStary TestamentNowy Testamentbiblistykaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnateologiateologia biblijnawyrocznie Starego TestamentuprorocyAnaliza literacko-egzegetyczna wyroczni Ha 2,1-4Literary and exegetical analysis of the oracle of Ha 2,1-4Literarisch-exegetisch Analyse des Orakelspruch Ha 2,1-4Article