Dec, Przemysław2023-05-122023-05-122011Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2011, T. 3, s. 251-262.2081-8416 article/paper presents a new interpretation that differs from previous ones of the Good Shepherd parable (J 10,1-21). The main concept is based on an assumption that part of the terminology is not related to pastoral reality in Palestine in I century current era, but strongly relates to Jerusalem Temple. The analysis of these lexemes as: θύρά (as שער), θυρωρὸς (as שוער), and αὐλή (as חצר) proves that the author of J 10,1-21 intended to present of non-Jewish disciples of Jesus as these who should be included in a liturgy of the Temple together with Jews. The key fragments to understand this motif/thought connected to the Jerusalem Temple are verses from J 10, 1-3 and J 10, 16.plAttribution 3.0 Poland ŚwięteNowy TestamentEwangelia według św. JanaEwangeliaJ 10Świątynia JerozolimskaświątyniaDobry PasterzprzypowieściBibleNew TestamentGospel of JohngospelJerusalem TempletempleGood Shepherdparablesegzegezaegzegeza biblijnabiblistykaexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical studiesJ 10,1-21 a Świątynia Jerozolimska. Analiza leksemów θύρά, θυρωρὸς i αὐλήJohn 10:1-21 and Jerusalem Temple. Analysis of Selected LexemesArticle