Bełch, Kazimierz2022-10-252022-10-252013Premislia Christiana, 2012-2013, T. 15, s. 257-268.0867-308 Man as a person is an autonomous, national and independent being ‒ so the subject of his thinking and acting. At the same time, He is a social being. The social sense inclines him to be involved into various indirect communities leading him tothe personal development. Among such communities special role belongs to the local govemments. Through them the teritorial communities achieve subjectivity which touches also individual persons. Such subjectivity generates the possibility of integral development. Therefore in real life the territorial govemments don’t act always in a the right way: there are positive sides of their acting, but there are also mistakes and abuses. Taking this into consideration, it is necessary to postulate rejection of liberal principles on social life, creating the civil attitudes and mobilizing the local municipal govemments to the very constructive activity.plAttribution 3.0 Poland pastoralnateologiasamorząd terytorialnyosobanauczanie społeczne KościołaKatolicka Nauka Społecznanaturagodnośćantropologiapersonalizmspołeczeństwopsychologiasocjologiapastoral theologytheologyLocal Governmenthuman personpersonChurch social teachingnaturedignityanthropologypersonalismsocietypsychologysociologyosoba ludzkaczłowiekhumanSamorząd terytorialny w służbie rozwoju osoby ludzkiej w świetle nauki społecznej KościołaLocal Government Serving the Human Being in the Light of the Church Social TeachingArticle