Nadbrzeżny, Antoni2024-02-062024-02-062008Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 7, s. 47-56.1233-1457ścił / Summarized by Rev. Antoni Nadbrzeżny. Tłumaczenie / Translated by Rev. Przemysław Kantyka.Proclamation of the Kingdom of God constitutes basic mission of the Church. This proclamation – being done in the history – is liable to the historical evaluation. The Church – being aware of her sins done in the past – remembers Christ's magnificent promise, which enables her to stand in the confessed and proclaimed truth. The Latin term indefectibilitas means that the Church in spite of her weaknesses it will never be destroyed by sin. Thanks to the God’s grace in each epoch, she undertakes an effort of the moral renewal. In this way, she becomes an authentic and credible witness of Christ’s redemption.plAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland Ecclesiaeindefectibilitaszwycięstwo łaskiKrólestwo Bożekrytyka Kościoła katolickiegokrytyka w Kościelereforma KościołaKościółkrytyka KościołałaskaKościół katolickivictory of graceKingdom of Godcritique of the Churchcritique of the Catholic Churchcritique in the Churchreform of the ChurchChurchgraceCatholic Church„Indefectibilitas Ecclesiae” – łaska, która zawsze zwycięża‟Indefectibilitas Ecclesiae”: the Grace that Always WinsArticle