Jaromin, Joanna2024-12-192024-12-192012Scriptura Sacra, 2012, R. 16, s. 7-18.1428-72182391-9396https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/25779The author of the fourth Gospel, as opposed to synoptics, places in the description of the Passion a scene showing a soldier who pierces with a spear the side of Jesus from which blood and water is flowing (Jn 19,34). Sometimes 1 Jn 5,6-8 is regarded as an indirect, parallel text. Blood and water have had a great significance since ancient times. The Biblical World has also attributed to them a number of meanings, both positive and negative. In the positive sense Fathers of the Church read the symbolism of blood and water coming out of the side of Jesus from the early centuries of Christianity. They were also followed by contemporary Bible researchers searching here, among others, a symbol of sacraments, salvation, the birth of Church, and - in contrast with misbelievers - the real humanity of Jesus. The common feature of all these attempts to interpret this scene is Jesus’ love to the Church and everyone.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachkrewwodaprzebity boksakramentymiłośćEwangelia według św. Janasymbolikateologiasymbolika wodysymbolika krwiJ 19BibliaPismo ŚwięteNowy Testamentbiblistykaegzegezaegzegeza biblijnateologia biblijnaStary TestamentJezus Chrystusbloodwaterpierced sidesacramentsloveGospel of Johnsymbolismimagerytheologysymbolism of watersymbolism of bloodBibleNew Testamentbiblical studiesexegesisbiblical exegesisbiblical theologyOld TestamentJesus ChristKrew i woda z przebitego boku Jezusa (J 19,34). Symbolika i teologiaThe blood and water from the pierced side of Jesus (Jn 19,34). Symbolism and theologyArticle