Sekściński, Bogdan2024-11-132024-11-132014Studia Ełckie, 2014, T. 16, nr 1, s. 43-65.1896-6896 Representation of the Special Committee for Fighting Corrupt Practices and Economic Sabotage in Lublin (RSCL) was a typical organ of the Stalinist terror system in the postwar Poland. The area of action of the RSCL was Lublin and Lublin province. The institution was created on the legal basis of the decree dated 16th November 1945 on creation and range of the Special Committee for Fighting Corruption Practices and Economic Sabotage (Dziennik Ustaw 1945 No. 53 item 302). The Representation started its activities on 15th January 1946 and ended on 5 th February 1955. It was the specific, extraconstitutional administrative body which dealt with justice unlawfully.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychDelegatura Komisji Specjalnej do Walki z Nadużyciami i Szkodnictwem Gospodarczym w Lublinieprawolawprawo polskiePolish lawokres powojennypost-war periodstalinizmcommunist regimereżim komunistycznyhistoriahistorykomunizmcommunismStatus lubelskiej Delegatury Komisji Specjalnej do Walki z Nadużyciami i Szkodnictwem Gospodarczym w świetle polskiego prawa konstytucyjnego (1946-1955)The Status of the Representation of the Special Committee for Fighting Corrupt Practices and Economic Sabotage in Lublin in the Context of Polish Constitutional Law (1946-1955)Article