Lewiński, Przemysław August2023-02-072023-02-072016Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 6, s. 131-160.2354-0311http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/3628From time to time the public opinion is interested in a special way of the papal diplomacy. In fact, its importance and significance are for centuries widely known and respected. Therefore, in that discussion there is no shortage topics concerning the involvement of the laity in the mission of the papal legation. This article does not handle mentioned issue directly, but consider it from a little different point of view. It tries to answer the question posed in the title: Is Nuncio and Apostolic Delegate must be bishop? The current practice of the Holy See presupposes automatically the Episcopal ordination of the newly appointed Nuncio or Apostolic Delegate. However, after a legal and theological analysis, it can be stated, that is not necessary for them to be bishops. This article highlights the fact that the tasks facing Nuncios and Delegates are not connect directly to the authority of the Holy Orders. Their personal dignity of Archbishop results, however, for historical, ecclesial and diplomatic reasons. That’s why seems possible that in the future the currently practice would be changed.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/dyplomacjadyplomacja papieskamisja dyplomatycznaNuncjusz ApostolskiDelegat Apostolskilegat papieskibiskupikapłaniduchowieństwosakra biskupiagodność kościelnahierarchia kościelnadiplomacypapal diplomacydiplomatic missionApostolic NuncioApostolic Delegatepapal legatebishopsclergypriesthoodepiscopal ordinationepiscopal consacrationdignity of the ChurchChurch hierarchyCzy nuncjusz i delegat apostolski muszą być biskupami? Próba odpowiedzi na pytanieIs Nuncio and Apostolic Delegate must be Bishops? An Attempt to Answer the QuestionArticle