Doroszkiewicz, Bazyli2023-03-022023-03-022014Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2014, t. 10, s. 9-45.1643-4870 the apostolic as well as postapostolic age Christianity was forced to defend the truths of its belief from the influence of the pagan world. Besides the danger of physical extermination – death in martyrdom – it was constantly in danger of intellectual confrontation with Greek and Roman religious philosophy. It forced Christians to work out the terminology that would reflect main premises of their beliefs. First, they draw from the Scriptures of the New Testament where they could find a broad spectrum of terminology. This terminology however did not form a coherent and transparent theological system that would fully describe the Second Person of the Trinity. Therefore the task of forming the conceptual apparatus was taken up by the Church Fathers of the period of antenicene.plAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland ChrystusDruga Osoba Trójcy ŚwiętejKościółunia naturalnaunia hipostatycznaosobanaturasobory powszechneapologeciojcowie KościołaOrygenesAtanazy WielkiGrzegorz z NazjanzuGrzegorz z NyssyTertulianNiceaChalcedonJesus ChristSecond Person of the Holy TrinityChurchnatural unionhypostatic unionpersonnatureecumenical councilsgeneral councilsapologistsChurch FathersOrigenAnathasius the GreatGregory of NazianzusGregory of NyssaTertulianusTrójca ŚwiętaHoly TrinityapologetykaapologeticschrystologiaChristologyteologiatheologypartystykapatrologiapatristicspatrologyIV w.sobórcouncilsobór efeskiCouncil of Ephesussobór nicejskiNicene CouncilFormułowanie się pojęć teologicznych dotyczących drugiej osoby Trójcy Św. w okresie przednicejskimThe forming of the theological concepts concerning the second person of the Trinity in the period of anteniceneArticle