Kornek, Tomasz2024-12-032024-12-032023Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 1, s. 27-39.1896-68962353-1274https://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24829The topic about ‘The Problem of God’ (die Gottesfrage) is one of the most important discussions for contemporary dogmatic theology and theology in general. The thought of Walter Kasper, who this year is celebrating his 90th birthday, is characterised by a creative and open-minded approach to contemporary challenges. This article analyzes Kasper’s reflection on ‘The Problem of God’ based on three monographs of the German cardinal: ‘Jesus der Christius’, ‘Der Gott Jesus Christi’ and ‘Katholische Kirche. Wesen – Wirklichkeit – Sendung’. The first part of the article presents selected topics of Kasperʼs Christology. The next part analyzes the causes of the current crisis of faith in God and the solutions proposed by the German theologian as a response to modern atheism. In the last part, the subject of reflection is the Church, which, according to Kasper, is to effectively make present in history the salvific work of Jesus Christ and be an icon of the Holy Trinity.plCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnychWalter Kasperproblem of GodChristologyecclesiologyatheismproblem BogachrystologiaeklezjologiaateizmBógGodJezus ChrystusJesus ChristteologiatheologyProblem Boga jako kwestia podstawowa w myśli Waltera KasperaThe Problem of God as a Fundamental Issue in the Thought of Walter KasperArticle