Wojaczek, Krystian2024-07-052024-07-052001Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2001, T. 21, s. 167-180.83-88939-15-7http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/18035Personal character of the marriage relationship consists in being the personal gift and being gifted of the spouses each other. The cognition process is one aspect of the personal marriage relationship. The marital cognition, considered as the personal process, contains both: being the gift and being gifted. Being the gift means to appear, step by step, before the spouse. Being gifted means to accept such an attitude of the spouse. The personal process o f marital cognition indicates some areas of using the workshops in marriage care. There are first of all: the mechanism of the personal cognition in marriage relation; necessity of initiative in this process; necessity of frankness; interpersonal communication; value of self and others. The personal character of marital cognition indicates some rules for using the workshops in marriage care too. The following of them should be mentioned: keeping the personal and marital intimacy of the members; keeping of feeling of safety; engagement of all members of the group on identical level. The marital relations should take precedence over other relationships in the group. Finally, all particular topics should be considered in the background of personal being the gift and being gifted.plAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/pl/proces poznania małżeńskiegopoznanie małżeńskiepsychologiapraca z małżeństwamimałżeństwopsychologiczne metody aktywizujące w pracy z małżeństwamimetody aktywizujące w pracy z małżeństwamimarital cognition processmarital cognitionpsychologywork with married couplesmarriagepsychological activation methods in working with married couplesactivation methods in working with married couplesosobowe poznawanie się małżonkówpersonal acquaintance of the spousespsychologiczne metody aktywizującepsychological activation methodspoznawanie sięgetting to know each otherproces poznawanie siępoznawanie się małżonkówosobapersonprocess of getting to know each othergetting to know each other of the spousesOsobowy charakter procesu poznania małżeńskiego jako kryterium wykorzystania psychologicznych metod aktywizujących w pracy z małżeństwamiPersonal Character of the Marital Cognition as a Criterion of Using the Workshops in the Marriage CareArticle