Kusz, Ewa2024-08-122024-08-122012Communio, 2012, R. 32, nr 2 (178), s. 140-154.0208-7995http://theo-logos.pl/xmlui/handle/123456789/19656The subject of the charismatic apostolate needs discussion, because not rarely is treated according to simplified patterns. First of them consists on setting up the institutional Church against lower initiatives, which are considered „charismatic” in opposition to fossilized institutional „office” Other one, that the Holy Spirit only now, after twenty centuries, starts to call new ecclesial movements an communities. „The Holy Spirits breathes where he wants” and was active since the Pentecost raising new initiatives, inspiring men and women, who became – it could be said – the instruments of the renewal of the Church and her apostolate. On the other hand, no everything, what seems to be seen as „charismatic”, as well as no everyone, who considers himself, or others consider him as such, is it in reality. Paradoxically, in order to recognize something as inspired by the Holy Spirit, there is need of someone who received gift and duty springing from the bishop’s ordination. The matter of someone open for activity of the Holy Spirit in himself and around, of fidelity to His inspirations and of being „charismatic”, does not depend on place, age or position within the Church. Everyone has its chance within his received vocation; if one takes an opportunity or not, it is his own personal response to proposed gift and task.plAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/teologiatheologyapostolstwoapostolateapostolstwo niehierarchicznenon-hierarchical apostolatecharyzmatycharismsdarygiftsruchy apostolskieapostolic movementshistoria KościołaChurch historychrześcijanieChristiansXXI w.„Różne dary łaski, ale ten sam Duch”. Apostolstwo nie-hierarchiczneArticle