Kręcidło, Janusz2024-12-192024-12-192012Scriptura Sacra, 2012, R. 16, s. 47-60.1428-72182391-9396 article aims to analyze the present status quo of the biblical hermeneutics and exegesis in the frame of the postmodern culture. The author first defines the meaning of the terms included in the title of the article. Then postmodernism as a cultural and a philosophical currant is analyzed. On this background the author shows the threads and benefits of biblical hermeneutics and exegesis related to theories and practical implements of the postmodern ideas in the contemporary culture. Finally the answer to the question “Is it possible to reconcile the historical-critical and postmodern interpretation of the Bible?” is sought.plCC-BY-NC-SA - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkachhermeneutyka biblijnaegzegeza biblijnapostmodernizmponowoczesnośćmetodologia biblijnastrukturalizmanaliza narracyjnaintertekstualnośćhermeneutykaegzegezaBibliaPismo Świętebiblical hermeneuticsbiblical exegesispostmodernismpostmodern erabiblical methodologystructuralismnarrative analysisintertextualityhermeneuticsexegesisBibleHermeneutyka i egzegeza biblijna w dobie ponowoczesnościBiblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis in the Postmodern EraArticle