Strehovec, Tadej2024-02-092024-02-092012Family Forum, 2012, T. 2, s. 31-44.2084-1698ł w języku angielskim.The redefinition of family and marriage is an ideological and political topic in modem society, where the public is more and more interested in issues like IVF, surrogate motherhood and child adoption for LGBT couples. What is the definition of family? why is the conventional nuclear family being replaced by new types of households? and what are the potential consequences of redefinition of family for society as a whole? These are some of the most important questions. Family ethics and bioethics could be an excellent framework to present the historical and social background of these kinds of phenomena.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ethicsetyka rodzinnabioethicsbioetykasame-sex marriagesmałżeństwa jednopłciowesurrogate motherhoodmacierzyństwo zastępczeassisted reproductionprokreacja wspomagana medyczniecohabitationkonkubinatchildrendziecietykaethicsrodzinafamilywyzwaniachallengesspołeczeństwosocietyXXI w.Redefined Family as a Challenge for Modern Society and BioethicsZredefiniowana rodzina jako wyzwanie dla współczesnego społeczeństwa i bioetykiArticle